All Reviews So Far
A peaceful meditation and I feel good.
Overall a little mellow, and there was some mind-chatter, but it was a generally relaxing and positive meditation to start my very early morning.
Gratitude filled me with gratitude and was loving and calming. A lovely end to my Saturday afternoon.
A slightly busy mind, but not too bad, and it was a very relaxing and deep meditation to begin my Thursday.
What a wonderful start to my early morning Saturday, and I feel so relaxed, in generally this morning. My mind is so calm and I feel so positive, ready for a wonderful July ahead.
A nice medtiation to start my day.
I had a lot of the Gratitude rapé, and it paid off with a deep meditation to end my weekend.
I had major trouble getting the Gratitude rapé out of my kuripe for the right nostril, causing major disturbance, but once it was done, I had a nice relaxing meditation.
A deep meditation from two strong rapés. Been a strange few days, but everything is good.
Both rapés were deep and strong, and left me feeling really relaxed and so positive. What a good day.
I should have done these rapés the other way around, because Gratitude was honestly the strongest I've ever had it. What an amazing blend!
Both rapés were really nice and I had a lovely peaceful meditation.
It should have been a good meditation, but my mind was full of things, and it was rather interruped. I feel good afterwards though.
Connection was surprisingly quite decent in this ceremony - it's a bit hit and miss. Gratitude was profound and very grounding, but I had mind-chatter, but to my busy day.
Gratitude was a good rapé, but my mind is just jittery the afternoon. I'm very happy though, and it's a very bright and joyous day.
A calming meditation in which I mostly held the line, but interrupted mostly by noises outside.
A deep meditation from two wonderful rapés. Moy Cumaru was really potent and rough! Gratitude was amazing, and it filled me with gratitude for such a wonderful life and a brave new world of love, light and abundance.
I tried my new heavy-duty blindfold. Interesting, but a little fiddly with the headphones and rapé application. I'll find a better way. Both rapés were potent. A little mellow overall, but I feel fantastic.
Very calming and profound.
A little bit tricky overall, but both rapés were potent and deep. A lovely start to the week.
Despite some interruptions, it was a really calming meditation. Gratitude is really good.
It was a pleasant meditation where I went quite deep. A little mind-chatter, but it's a good and peaceful day - so hopeful and optimistic!
Some rapé again stuck in my throat, causing spitting, plus some burping. It was a peaceful meditation, if strangely a little lacking.
It was a very pleasant and calming ceremony. This combination is great - two profound blends together. I'm so optimistic and grateful for the wonerful future that awaits.
Another great start to a meditation thanks to Gratitude. The rest had fast-moving energy - a little too fast - but I feel really good and very positive.
This was an absolutely profound and very loving and connected meditation, with a mostly clear mind. I'm just so grateful to rapé, and the healing it brings to my life.
Zenergy was mild, but Gratitude brought a lasting peace and connectedness. It also brought a wonderfully calming stillness.
This was a much better than normal morning meditation, bringing deep peace and clearing my mind.
It was a nice calming ceremony. A little bit on the mild side, but I feel good and optimistic.
A lovely afternoon meditation on this nice Saturday. Rapés will be with so much hope and peace, and I'm so grateful.
It started amazingly well with Extremos bringing deep love and peace. Gratitude however was a little bit subtle. A nice calming ceremony overall.
Again, Anchor was mild (and far too tobacco-ey!) but Gratitude was again very profound (and rather forceful), with a very deep meditation, so peaceful.
What a profound meditation! An interesting left-nostril combination, but Warrior Princesse sent me into a deeply peaceful, in fact forceful meditation, where I was engulfed by love and light.
Flow continues to be quite mild (and very tobacco-ish!) but Gratitude continutes to be amazing. I had a lot of it, and thought it'd be more profound, but a really good meditation and quite peaceful and loving.
A surprisingly excellent meditation for the morning. I haven't done Gratitude for a while, and it's so amazing!
There was just some mind-chatter, caused by my busy day, but this ceremony calmed my mind and it was lovely.
It was a really good ceremony, in spite of my body wanted to purge mucus, especially at the start. I feel really good and clear now - very relaxed and optimistic. The light is winning in this world.
Just a very calming ceremony. I feel good!
Just a wonderful morning ceremony! I went sent very deep, despite some sptting and burping, and I just feel so optimistic and grateful!
Such a blessed meditation, full of depth and love.
I had a lovely and quite peaceful ceremony, albeit with some rapé stuck in my throat. What a blessing the day has been.
Ayoasca was nice but milder this time - maybe not such a good very early morning blend. Overall, the meditation was subdued, and I had rapé stuck in my throat for a bit, but I feel calm and optimistic.
An interesting combination of Mulata and Gratitude brought about deep calm and love, but it was a pity about the spitting.
It was a quite relaxing ceremony, but a lot of spitting and burping. MY body had a lot to purge at this time in the morning, especially coming to the end of this cold! I feel really good now - very positive!
Canela do Velho is a truly great rapé, and this small amount is better at this time in the morning. Both rapés brought deep peace and it was a really good ceremony!
Despite the spitting and caughing caused by rapé stuck in my throat, it was a very profound meditation. Gratitude was truly amazing, sending me immediately into a deep and very connected meditation. This lasted throughout. I'm so fortunate!
It wasn't the best ceremony, but it was just about as peaceful as these early morning ones come, and I feel great.
Despite the spitting (caused by my cold), it was a very peaceful and loving ceremony. Gratitude brought a lot of mucus up and was a little rough, but was profound.
This was a pretty decent early morning meditation. It wasn't the most profound, but it was hopeful and loving.
Two very nice rapés, especially Gratitude, but a little marrred by the enormous amount of spitting, caused by me being the at the end of a cold and the rapé stuck in my throat. The start of a very good day though!
Unwind and Gratitude are excellent blends for this time in the morning. Unwind in particular gave a very deep sense of calm.
It was a peaceful and quite deep meditation, but all the spitting was because of the cold I currently have. A good start to the day though!
Gratitude at this time in the morning is excellent! I brought a profound calm and loving sensation and sent me deep almost immediately. What a wonderful blend!
Wow! What a beautiful surprise from Gratitude. Especially in this quantity, it's a very profound and deeply loving blend. Warrior+++ is also showing itself to be an amazing rapé, but I need really to experiment with it more.
It was a little subtle, but very peaceful. Today is a good day!
Gratitude is really good! I might even try it in the right nostril some time. I had a very peaceful meditation, albeit with some mind-chatter from the day. I'm so thankful for how the world is turning out. Good, light and love are winning!!
I'm quite impressed with Gratitude, I've decided. Not potent, but a loving rapé that seems good at this time in the day. Thank you to Shnuff for this wonferful gift!
I tried a new rapé, Gratitude, who was lovingly gifted to me surprisingly in the post today by, ironically in gratitude from the owner. It's a very aromatic flowery candy rapé that brings a loving calming sensation. A very nice meditation overall.